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To Prepare:

Desktop Image

The Customization Instructions (For Ubuntu 22.04 LTS - )

*Ubuntu 22.10 and later are in incomplete state. See Ubuntu 22.10 (Kinetic Kudu) Moeization Status Desktop Edition for details. (link to an external in Japanese)

Also, please click Moebuntu Setup Helper2 Main page (link to an external) to see how to easily moe it using scripts! An instructional video via YouTube is also available.

The Ubuntu desktop environment of the current situation is as follows.

Ubuntuの入手は→Ubuntu Japanese Team


Install Extension Manager

To moe GNOME Shell, you need to install the Extension Manager. Open a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and enter the following to apply it.(Terminal~$)

sudo apt install gnome-shell-extension-manager

Installing User Themes

Launch the Extension Manager, go to the "Find" tab, search for "User Themes" and click the "Add" button to install.

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS の萌え化

Go to the "Added" tab and you will see that "User Themes" has been registered. First, activate the Extension by setting the button on the header to "ON (to the right)" and then set the button on the right side of "User Themes" to "ON (to the right)" as well. You can now change the GNOME Shell theme.

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS の萌え化

Installing GNOME Tweaks

Open a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and type the following to apply. (Terminal~$)

sudo apt install gnome-tweaks

Obtaining the theme file for moe-ization

Download the "Moe-Pink16" theme file for moe-ization from the following link.


*For other color themes, see ♥ Moe Desktop Theme.

Installing the theme file

After downloading Moe-Pink16.tar.xz, right-click on it and extract it by "Extract Here" and put the whole folder "Moe-Pink16" in "/usr/share/themes". You need administrator privileges to operate it, so open a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and type the following to apply the GUI operation. (Terminal~$)

sudo nautilus /usr/share/themes

Obtaining the Moe icon theme file

Download "MoePinkIcons" from Moebuntu site.

Install the theme file

After downloading MoePinkIcons_201117.tar.xz, right-click on it and extract it by "Extract Here" and put the whole folder "MoePinkIcons" in "/usr/share/icons". You need administrator privileges to operate it, so open a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and type the following to apply the GUI operation. (Terminal~$)

sudo nautilus /usr/share/icons
[Note]: Since there are two folders "MoePinkIcons_201117" > "MoePinkIcons", put the "MoePinkIcons" folder inside in "/usr/share/icons".

Moeing your desktop

Open GNOME Tweaks, go to the "Appearance" tab and set each of the following

Configuration with GNOME Tweaks
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS の萌え化

Moe background images

You can also set it up by right-clicking on Nautilus and selecting "Set as Wallpaper" or by going to "Images" in the GNOME Tweaks section above.

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS の萌え化

Moebuntu logo on background image (optional)

If you would like to place the Moebuntu logo in the background image, download the following logo from the right click.

Moebuntu logo (1200px)

Installing GIMP

GIMP is required for image editing, so install it. Open Terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and type the following to apply. (Terminal~$)

sudo apt install gimp

After launching GIMP, open Moebuntu and drag and drop the above Moebuntu logo from Nautilus into the GIMP screen.

*You will see that the number of layers has increased.


Use GIMP's magnification tool to grab the logo and shrink it to a reasonable size.

*Reduce the size while keeping the ratio of width and height (the chain is connected).


Once it is a reasonable size, press the "Enter" key to confirm, and then use the Move tool to place it in the appropriate location.


Finally, go to "File" > "Export As" and save the file under the name "**.png" and re-set it as a background image to complete the process.

*The edited file can be saved as "**.xcf" in GIMP format by going to "File" > "Save".

Moeing Fonts

Obtaining moe fonts

You can get your favorite moe fonts from this below.

Installing Fonts

Right-click on Nautilus and extract the downloaded fonts by clicking on "Extract Here" and place the entire folder in a hidden folder (Ctrl+H) ".fonts" (if not available, create one) in your home folder.

Example of "kawaii handwriting font"
Ubuntu 22.04 LTSの萌え化

Applying Fonts

Open GNOME Tweak, go to the "Fonts" tab and set the following Tweak the font size according to the font.

GNOME Tweak Settings
Ubuntu 22.04 LTSの萌え化

Moeing Sound

Obtaining the Moe Sound Theme

Download the moe sound theme "Moesound_iori" (and others) from below.


Installing the theme file

After downloading Moesound_iori.tar.gz, right-click on it and extract it by "Extract Here" and put the whole folder "Moesound_iori" in "/usr/share/sounds". You need administrator privileges to operate the software, so open a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and type the following to apply the GUI. (Terminal~$)

sudo nautilus /usr/share/sounds

Applying Sound

GOpen GNOME Tweak, go to the "Appearance" tab and configure as follows.

GNOME Tweak Settings
Ubuntu 22.04 LTSの萌え化

Enabling the login sound

To register for auto-start and have the login sound played. Open "Configure applications to auto-start" (search by auto-start) and press the "Add" button.

Ubuntu 22.04 LTSの萌え化

Now all that is left is to set the "command" as shown below and press the "Save" button.

Registration screen for automatic activation
Ubuntu 22.04 LTSの萌え化

This will cause the moe login sound to play the next time you log in.

Activating Input Sound

Input sounds (clicks, etc.) can be turned on and off using the Dconf editor (dconf-editor) To install the Dconf editor, open the terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and enter the following to apply the settings (Terminal~$)

sudo apt install dconf-editor

After installation, start the Dconf editor and follow "org/gnome/desktop/sound" to get the following screen, where "input-feedback-sounds" is turned on (right side).

*Click "I note" when the Dconf editor starts up.

Dconf settings screen
Ubuntu 22.04 LTSの萌え化

Changing the cursor

The cursor is set in the "Appearance" tab of GNOME Tweaks. It is your choice, but I think it looks nicer if you set it to "DMZ-White".

GNOME Tweak settings screen
Ubuntu 20.10のデスクトップアイコン

Moeing Qt apps (turning them pink)

You can moe Qt5-based apps such as VLC and QuiteRSS.

Open Terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and type the following to apply. (Terminal~$)

sudo apt install qt5-style-plugins
echo "export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=gtk2" >> ~/.profile

How it turned pink
Ubuntu 22.04 LTSの萌え化

Installing VLC

sudo apt install vlc

Install QuiteRSS

sudo apt install quiterss

Moeing the terminal (fine-tuning)

Turn the string to the left of ":~$" on the terminal blue.

How to set

After opening the terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T), open "≡" > "Settings" and go to "Unnamed" > "Color" tab. Click "Palette entry 2" (third from the left in the upper row) in the color palette to open the color setting window, set "#00C1FF" (or any color you like) and press "Select" to confirm.

Ubuntu 22.04 LTSの萌え化

Ubuntu 22.04 LTSの萌え化

Adjusting Desktop Icons

How to set up the trash can

Start the Dconf editor and follow "org/gnome/shell/extensions/ding". Scroll down to the bottom and find the "show-trash" item and turn the button "on" (right side). Now a trash can will appear on your desktop, and you can drag and drop it with your mouse to any location you like. In this case, I moved it to the lower right corner.

The appearance of the trash can

Increase the size of the Trashcan

Open "Settings" > "Appearance" in Ubuntu and set "Size" to "Large" in the "Desktop Icons" section. This will increase the size of the Trashcan.

Hide the personal folder (home icon) as it can be accessed from the launcher (file icon).


Fine-tuning the icon size

To make the recycle bin icon a little larger, open the terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and type the following to apply, then open the configuration file with Gedit. (Terminal~$)

sudo gedit /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/ding@rastersoft.com/enums.js

Before Editing

The edits were made to the same values with reference to How to moe Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) Part 1: Desktop Continued.

After editing

When you are done modifying, save and log out once. When you log in again, you will see that the trash can icon is now even larger.


Delete Trash on Dock (optional)

Now that you have placed the Trashcan on the desktop, you can delete the unneeded Trashcan on the Dock.

Start the Dconf editor, follow "org/gnome/shell/extensions/Dock-to-dock" and scroll down to the bottom to find the "show-trash" item, and turn the button "off" (left side).

Ubuntu 20.10のデスクトップアイコン

You will now see that the "Trash" has disappeared from the Dock. Click on the "Reload" button.

Ubuntu 20.10のデスクトップアイコン

For further customizations: (link to an external in Japanese)

Moeing of login screen
Moeing of startup screen
inserted by FC2 system